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The Daily Freier Petitions MSNBC…..NOT to fire Ayman Mohyeldin!


(Photo Credit: MSNBC)

By The Daily Freier Staff

Last Updated 10/20/2015 at 4:30 PM

Tel Aviv: The Daily Freier is leading the charge to ensure that troubled MSNBC reporter Ayman Mohyeldin keeps his job.  After last week’s reporting from Jerusalem where Mr. Mohyeldin demonstrated a somewhat selective ability to see things that everyone else can see, many have called for Ayman to be replaced or fired.  But the Daily Freier has started a campaign, called        ” #ISTANDWITHAYMAN “, to ensure that Mr. Mohyeldin stays employed with MSNBC for years to come.

The Daily Freier held a press conference outside Shuk HaCarmel today where spokesperson Shoshanna J. explained the newspaper’s solidarity in standing with Ayman. “These so-called pro-Israel sites like Israellycool, Elderofziyon, and some chick named “Lion of Zion” ….when they call to fire Ayman, what they’re really doing is stealing food off of the table of our families at the Daily Freier.  I mean, Ayman is a goldmine for satirists.  This man’s body of work is going to pay for my kids’ Bar Mitzvahs, and maybe even the ocean cruise with my husband Ethan that we’ve always dreamed of.” Shoshanna continued; “I don’t think these petitioners against Ayman actually know how satire works.  Do you know how hard it is to find a guy as consistently and transparently ridiculous as Mr. Mohyeldin?  Seeing drones nobody else can see?  Not seeing knives that everyone else DOES see???? The Daily Freier’s stories don’t simply write themselves.  OK OK, the ones about sleazy Tel Aviv guys in bracelet bars write themselves.  But the other ones require research and development.  And Ayman simply makes our lives at the Freier easy.”

Shoshanna concluded her remarks by saying “The Daily Freier calls on all like-minded fans of good satire to stand with us. Stand with justice. Stand with Ayman.”


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