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Peter Beinart builds giant Virtue Signal that can reach Outer Space

BPeter Beinart's Sanctimonitor Virtue Signaly Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 12/31/2017 at 5:00 PM

New York City: Noted progressive critic of Israel and Haaretz contributor Peter Beinart is awfully proud of his humility. Yet even a man as low-key as Peter is about his virtues sometimes needs to let the rest of us know just how awesomely #WOKE he is. So Peter set about building a gigantic Virtue Signal on the roof of his local Food Co-Op. Dubbed the “Sanctimonitor“, this edifice is the first Virtue Signal whose beams can reach past the Earth’s atmosphere into the reaches of Outer Space. Peter explained.

Today the people of Earth are slowly being acclimated to how virtuous I am. But what about Aliens? Will Extra Terrestrial Life be sufficiently educated to know that I somehow was able to string enough words together to compare the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the #MeToo Movement? [EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes. He Really Did This.] As a Jew I feel this is important.

In the process of fact-checking this story, the Daily Freier contacted NASA, who confirmed that the Mars Rover is now regularly receiving Beinart’s articles from the Forward, and that the Voyager II Space Probe just received some of his Tweets supporting Obama’s Iran Deal.

The Daily Freier asked Peter if there were further steps he planned with the Sanctimonitor Virtue Signal.

We are living in very scary times. Trump, Bibi, Kid Rock. And as a Jew I don’t feel safe. So as a Jew I decided that what everyone needs is an Emergency Virtue Signaling beacon. It fits on your key chain and is intended for situations where you don’t feel sufficiently safe: maybe you are next to a Trump Voter, or a gun owner, or a NASCAR fan, or a Jew who doesn’t believe that Obama was very good for Israel. As a Jew I feel that this would be a very frightening proposition. So as a Jew I built this emergency beacon that will project your virtue to anyone within a 50 foot radius. As a Jew I believe that this will help heal the nation.

The Daily Freier asked Mr. Beinart if he always adds the phrase “As a Jew I”  to the beginning of  his sentences, or just when it’s necessary to project his virtue.

As a Jew I don’t believe I have to answer that question.”



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