IfNotNow hires Jessica Krug

By Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 9/5/2020 at 11:30 AM

New York: In stunning news, an academic of Jewish descent named  Rachel Bat Dolezal Jessica Krug was revealed to be masquerading as an Afro-Latina woman. Doctor Krug, originally from Kansas City, went to great lengths to hone her Woke credentials, including adopting a “street” New York accent so absurd that anyone who grew up in the Tri-State area was reduced to giggling uncontrollably (Bonus points: when she inevitably trashed the IDF, she did it with that accent!) The story is amazing, including such delicious tidbits as people getting suspicious because she was horrible at salsa dancing.

While this was seen by many as a career-ending scandal, others within the Woke As-A-Jewish Community sensed an opportunity. That’s right, Jessica Krug is now working for the beating heart of Progressive As-A-Jewdaism, IfNotNow. The Daily Freier spoke with IfNotNow co-founder, Progressive Christian Activist Seth Woody about this Revelation of Good News.

A talent like Doctor Krug doesn’t come around every day.” explained Seth as he got ready to teach his next Communion class. “So we knew we had to act quickly. We signed her to a 5-year contract with an option to extend.

The Daily Freier asked Mr. Woody about the qualities in Doctor Krug that caught IFNotNow’s attention.  Seth thought for a moment and replied: “Well, she’s Woke to the point of being Performative, has a hostile relationship with her Jewish heritage, and tends to make things up. Plus, she’s batshit crazy. She’s a perfect fit for our organization.

Of course, not everyone on the Progressive Left was happy about the move. Noted Twitter personality Ari L. Gold was livid. “Seriously?” Ari exclaimed. “So getting kicked out of Israel and chaining yourself to the Venezuelan Embassy doesn’t count for anything? If you think I’m not going to Tweet about this for the next three weeks, you’re mistaken.”

As the IfNotNow intern ushered us out after the interview, a stream of attendees arrived for their High Holiday Planning Meeting in order to prepare for Purim and Tu B’Shvat.

*Editor’s Note: Julia Salazar could not be reached for comment.

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