Month: December 2021

“F-ck him”: Trump Yeshiva looks back at some Very Disloyal Jewish Kings

So it’s been a minute since we heard from Trump Yeshiva, which was once a spin-off of the Daily Freier but somehow went rogue. Ever since The Donald tweeted the Bible for us, Trump Yeshiva was a bit out of control. Their Tisch about Covfefe, musings on Selichot, and bizarre Twitter feud with Preoccupied Territory… the Trump years were a wild ride. But then he lost the Election (Trump fans: Please email us your Conspiracy Theories as to how he actually won!), got deplatformed from Twitter, and then they took down Parlour. It felt like the end of a crazy era. But guess what? Trump Yeshiva is back! We stopped by their Shteibl at the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station* on the floor below the Filipino Markets. So here is the transcript of Mr. Trump’s latest Tisch. It’s about Loyalty! (Warning: Not Safe For Work!)

King Menashe? What. A. Loser. His dad Hezekiah was a Great Builder. Great, Great, Builder. Built an amazing tunnel to the Pools of Siloam. Just an Amazing tunnel. For water. Lots and Lots of Water. So during the Assyrian siege, Evil Senacherib had no water. Because Jerusalem had all the water, Am I right? There was so much water, that the residents of Jerusalem actually got bored of water! They said, please Hezekiah, enough water! We’re tired of water….. So where was I? Oh yeah, Menashe. Now normally, when a guy’s dad is a great developer, the son turns out pretty good too! I mean, Helllooo! But this Menashe, not so much. He turned to other Fake Deities. Like Baal. And Moloch. Really creepy things with the kids, I mean, we’re talking PizzaGate stuff here. So Disloyal. Fuck Him.

Flavius Jospehus? OK, Not a King. So sue me.  I’m kidding, people, I’m kidding. Anyway, this guy’s plan to defend Yodfat stinks! I mean, we’re talking a real Mark Milley plan. But when they lose to the Romans, he tricks all his friends into committing suicide. Then he goes out and kisses Vespasian’s butt, and gets invited to his Inauguration as Emperor. This guy is the Mike Pence of the 1st Century. Fuck Him.

King Ahab? Technically a Northern Kingdom loser, but bear with me, OK? The guy marries a hot foreign chick. So far, so good, right? But this Jezebel was a real Jezebel. This woman was a giant pain in the ass. Forces people to worship Fake Deities. Treats the Prophets badly. Finally, Jehoshaphat kills Ahab and Jehoshaphat’s son throws Jezebel out of a window. This is better than Game of Thrones! Fuck ’em both.

King David? I got mixed feelings about this one. So his Best General was married to Batsheba, a real dime piece. Anyways, he sees her laying out on the roof in a bikini and decides to send Uriah the Hittite off to, I dunno, Afghanistan or something. So that he could get Bathsheba alone and maybe grab her by the…..

OK, that’s enough learning for one day! Tune in tomorrow when we test Trump Neckties for Shatnez!


* With the impending closure of the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station, Trump Yeshiva is looking for a new home. Please add your suggestions/hot real estate tips in the Comments Section!

The Daily Freier Apologizes

Dear Readers,

Yesterday, we released an ad without properly vetting, for a free all expenses-paid Shabbaton next Wednesday at IfNotNow’s Editor’s Dad’s Summer House outside of New Paltz. This ad is not in line with our values as an organization dedicated to stories about Dizengoff Center, Taglit jokes, the shortcomings of Jerusalem nightlife, and some occasional dunking on the Woke Dorks of Anti-Zionism. We are returning the money that we received for this ad, and will immediately begin a critical evaluation of our ad process and policies. Specifically, we will try to figure out how we missed them talking about JVP’s Acapella group performing “Khaybar Khaybar Ya Yahood” in Three Part Harmony. Also the part about Mairav Zonsein teaching everyone how to dance the Dabka until Ali Abunimah inevitably busts in and yells at her for appropriation. Same with the BDS puppet show based on Simone Zimmerman’s dream journal. Not to mention Ariel Gold’s amazing “Poetry Slam for Palestine” featuring some not so subtle references to her love-hate relationship with a certain Gay Israeli Mizrahi Indigenous Rights Activist.

Thank You for your patience with us.

The Daily Freier