Tag: Yaya Sinwar

Top 10 Signs there’s a Hamas Bunker underneath your UNRWA Office

This week we learned that UNRWA’s protests that they don’t even know anyone in Hamas might be a bit rich. Not just because a dozen of their employees attacked Israel on October 7th, but now we learn that Hamas was running a data center underneath UNRWA’s headquarters! Now their leadership is claiming they had, like “No Idea” what was underneath their HQ. Here at Daily Freier we sympathize with the United Nations and want to help. Perhaps we can assist the UN in finding “red flags” that indicate that maybe things are not as they seem. So without further ado, Behold! The Top Ten Signs there’s a Hamas Bunker underneath your office!

  1. John Cusack always loitering in the break room.
  2. Your Bluetooth asks if you want to match with “Yaya Sinwar’s iPhone”.
  3. Goat wearing a miniskirt & fishnet stockings comes and goes at all hours of the night.
  4. Rashida Tlaib calls and asks what time everyone goes home at night because she’s “just curious”.
  5. You show up early to work one morning and catch Roger Waters taking a dump.
  6. Your Handyman wanders around emptying his pockets of dirt just like in Shawshank Redemption.
  7. There’s a Wolt driver at the front door but nobody in the office ordered food.
  8.  Someone always bangs on the floor with a broomstick whenever you make noise after 10 PM.
  9. Your summer intern tells you that the noise in the basement is just Chabad doing home improvement.*
  10. There’s a sign on the basement door that says “To the Top Secret Hamas Data Center”.



*Too Soon?