Tag: Times of Israel

Times of Israel arrested for stealing Haaretz’s Identity

By Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 3/5/2017 at 4:30 PM

Jerusalem: The nation’s journalistic community is in shock today after police launched an early morning raid on the Times of Israel’s Headquarters and arrested key personnel. A Jerusalem Magistrate issued a warrant early this morning for the arrest of the Times of Israel on the charges of stealing the identity of Haaretz. As the nation’s venerable Lefty newspaper, Haaretz is widely read outside of Israel by the Jewish State’s many critics while being read by as many as three dozen people who actually live here. But anyhoo, the Times of Israel, which started out a few years ago after telling the Jerusalem Post that it was time that they started seeing other people, used to be kind of normal. Reflecting an Anglo readership that was socially liberal but kinda to the Right on Security issues. Then things got a bit weird. Both with their coverage of Israel and abroad. Especially the States. It kinda felt like we were trapped in our childhood Reform Temple’s Wednesday Night Confirmation Class. Like forever…. And they kept ranting about Trump. A lot (And trust us, we know that there is a lot about Trump that you can make fun of.)…. But then they started stalking Haaretz. And sifting through Haaretz’s trash. And changing their hairstyle and their clothes to match Haaretz. And copying their voice intonation. Like that film in the 90’s with Bridget Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh or something.

Yet despite the Times’ recent leftward funk, today’s events came as quite a shock, especially to the folks who got arrested. As police escorted the handcuffed journalists out of the Times of Israel building, one unidentified female in her early 30’s screamed “My flask! My flask! Hey be careful you idiots! That’s Laphroaig dammit!

After the journalists were led away, the police held an impromptu Press Conference which was attended by the victims of this Identity Theft. Amira Hass got up to speak first. “Today I stand in solidarity with the Palestinians. For today I too had my identity taken away from me. Today was my Naqba.” Then it was Gideon Levy’s turn, and he described further details of the alleged theft. “I know that the Times of Israel broke in and stole my ideas. I mean, My Dream Journal is missing. Also my windchime. But they’re going down. My cat saw everything.

After the Victims’ Testimony, the police played a grainy surveillance video of two editors meeting in the Times of Israel Break Room.


Unidentified Female (North American accent): You know what Israel needs?

Unidentified Male, (British accent): I give up. What?

Unidentified female: ANOTHER Lefty newspaper in English!

Unidentified Male: OMG Absolutely! Say… are you going to pass that joint or what?


Meanwhile, the not-at-all-Loony-Left Tel Aviv-based Blog “+972 “  complained that nobody has tried to steal their identity yet.

With the Times of Israel appearing to have imitated multiple facets of the Haaretz style, Tel Aviv residents want to know when the Times will also hold a cultural conference where a performance artist sticks a flag in his butt and pelts the audience with oranges. (And Yes. This really happened.)

(DISCLAIMER: The Freier still wants to blog for the Times from time to time. I mean, If that’s cool. No harm no foul? Call us maybe?)

The story of Chanukah as told by Donald J. Trump

800px-donald_j-_trump_at_marriott_marquis_nyc_september_7th_2016_16(Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)


Long time ago. Talking a real long time ago. In the Land of Israel. Boy wouldn’t it be great to buy into the real estate market back then? Wait a sec….so my son-in-law is telling me it was 2200 years ago. Jared Kushner. Smart guy. Very smart guy. I mean he married my daughter, am I right? So he’s telling me that Alexander the Great led a Greek army that came in, and everything was great for a while until it wasn’t. Sounds like Astoria in Queens, right? I’m kidding people. Greeks are great people. Great, great people. Anyway, the next king? Not so good. Antiochus. Bad hombre. Bad bad hombre. Starts telling the Jews what to do. How do you think that’s going to work out? My daughter Ivanka’s a Jew now and I can’t tell her anything! Again, kidding, people. I’ve got the best Jewish grandchildren.

So, Antiochus starts doing some strange stuff. Just real sick stuff. Like telling the Jews to go to the gymnasium and compete in sports totally naked. Just some real pervy Anthony Weiner-style stuff. You know that I had that guy figured out from the beginning? Let me tell you, Huma made the right choice. She can do much better. Much much better. Smart girl. And pretty. Long black hair. Tan. Terrific body. I mean you can tell she goes to the gym, not like some of the other fatties in the Democr…. Wait, I need to cool it a bit. Got me thinking about tic-tacs.

So Antiochus? Bad hombre. And sick. Just really sick. Tried to desecrate the Temple in Jerusalem. With pigs’ blood I hear. Just some real Podesta stuff. So how much is the Temple going for these days? Is it condo? Are there a lot of covenants written into the lease? Is it rent controlled? I gotta tell ya, Netanyahu? Super guy. Great guy. The best. But his economy? Let me ask you, how do you [CENSORED] up an economy in a country full of Jews? Am I right?

Back to the narrative. I tell the best historical narratives. Just the best. So there is this guy named Mattathias, and his sons were a bunch of tough guys. Called themselves the Maccabees. And they don’t like what Antiochus is doing. Real tough guys, these sons. I mean we’re talking Staten Island here. So they start fighting the Greeks. Wait, now my people are saying they’re Syrians. Guys, if you want me to go to my Intel briefs, can we at least get our stories straight?

So Mattathias’ top son. Judah Maccabee. Great general. Superb general. Just a fighter. He attacks the Greek Syrian elephants. Can I ask you something? What kind of an idiot puts elephants in the army? Not while I’m president, I assure you.

So the Jews win. So much winning. After a while the Jews said to the Maccabees: “Guys! Enough winning! We’re tired of winning!” And then they come back to the Temple, and the place is just a mess. A disaster. Sad. Just really sad. But you know what? They fix it up. And now they need to light that big candelabra thing. But get this: They only have enough oil for one day. You know what I say? Drill. Build a pipeline. Don’t listen to those environmental crazies. What the hell do they know? But anyway, the oil lasts a long time. Like eight days. Amazing oil. Just amazing. Terrific oil. The oil they had? The best. Just the best. Can we call it a miracle? I don’t know. I don’t make those rules. Pass me one of those delicious latke things.

Kerry Negotiates 7,000 Shekel Cab Ride to Ben Gurion Airport

John Kerry negotiates 7,000 Shekel cab ride to Ben Gurion Airport Daily FreierBy Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 9/30/2016 at 4:30 PM

Ben Gurion International Airport: As World Leaders depart Israel after paying their respects to the late Statesman Shimon Peres, United States Secretary of State has added another diplomatic feather to his cap, having successfully negotiated a 7,000 Shekel ($1,800) taxi cab ride from Jerusalem to Ben Gurion International Airport. The Daily Freier spoke with Mr. Kerry at Terminal One about how he successfully secured the price for his 34 mile journey with Shlomo, a Jerusalem cab driver.

Having been in the diplomatic game for some time, I have an appreciation for the subtleties and nuance of Middle Eastern discourse and bargaining that may escape others.” explained the Secretary of State before launching into a small anecdote about how Akko reminds him of Martha’s Vineyard.

(This article appears on Times of Israel today. Click Here to Check it Out!)




FOREX holds EXPO in Cyprus after Hell cancels their reservation

FOREX Cyprus Conference Daily Freier

By Mark Levy

Last Updated 6/18/2016 at 10:30 AM

Gehenna: The recent FOREX/Binary Options Expo in Cyprus was by all accounts a fun event for all attendees, but word has leaked that Cyprus was not the Industry’s first choice. Industry gossip pointed to a previously booked venue. FOREX, a niche of the Investment World where the House always seems to win, has gotten a little bad press lately. And responding to published reports, Hell acknowledged today that they cancelled a reservation previously booked by FOREX. The Daily Freier went to Hell (as has been suggested through previous reader feedback) to get the whole story.





Las Estrellas de la Nueva Serie de Detectives Femeninos de la BBC Serán Hanin Zoabi y Margot Wallstrom


Londres- La BBC dio a conocer su más reciente serie detectivesca para la primavera que se titulará “Wallstrom & Zoabi: Causas profundas“, un fascinante drama protagonizado por Hanin Zoabi y Margot Wallstrom, representando a dos poco escrupulosas detectives que resuelven crímenes mientras tratan de encontrar un perfecto equilibrio entre su trabajo y su vida en un mundo dominado por hombres.

Además de la canciller sueca Wallstrom y la miembro de la Knésset Zoabi (por el partido árabe Balad), la serie también contará con George Galloway (un conocido y estrafalario político antisionista británico) como su adorable y gruñón jefe de Policía, así como el diputado Jeremy Corbyn representando al colaborador fiscal del distrito, aunque algo cómicamente inepto, recibiendo ambos una importante e inexplicable promoción en la primera temporada. (También se rumorea que ambos podrían desarrollar un posible interés amoroso con las protagonistas en futuros episodios)

Producida por Roger Waters, la serie tiene un toque único en el que no importa cuál es el delito o quienes son los sospechosos, ya que el constante resultado final es que Israel es el culpable. El Sr. Waters explicó sus primeras preocupaciones para esta serie. “Al principio tenía miedo de que el hecho de que Israel siempre fuera el malo de la serie pudiera ser excesivo incluso para los ejecutivos de la cadena, pero entonces me dije, !! Tío, esto es la BBC !!“.

Por su parte, la BBC se siente segura de que ha tenido un golpe de suerte con la presencia de esta serie en su programación.  “Sentimos que a pesar de la leve previsibilidad de su enfoque, tendrá un fuerte atractivo para su objetivo principal: la audiencia“. El portavoz de la BBC, Stewart P. señaló que “ahora que Al Jazeera America cesa sus emisiones, vemos ahí una oportunidad real para capturar a su audiencia“.

En el episodio piloto, “!!! Spoiler !!!“, Hanin y Margot investigan las “razones de fondo” para una serie de asesinatos en París. Tras una hora de agotador trabajo detectivesco y de una persecución en coche, el dúo determina que el culpable “era Israel“.

La química entre las estrellas sueca y palestina sin duda brillará a lo largo de la serie, con la impetuosa Zoabi llamando a los policías árabes israelíes “traidores“, y la más matizada Wallstrom encontrando la manera de conseguir ser declarada persona non grata tanto en Arabia Saudita como en Israel. Mientras tanto, ambas utilizarán el enfoque de “cerebro más que fuerza física“, aunque sin miedo de patear algún culo cuando sea necesario. En una escena del segundo episodio, un guardia de seguridad intenta escoltar a Hanin Zoabi para que salga de una habitación, siendo empujado violentamente por Hanin.

Un episodio ya planificado que mostraba a la pareja investigando si el “asesinato policial en Suecia de un asaltante que con un arma asaltó violentamente una escuela violaba el derecho internacional“, fue cancelado debido a su falta de interés.

BBC’s Newest Detective Drama Stars Hanin Zoabi & Margot Wallstrom

Wallstrom and Zoabi

By Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 1/15/2016 at 12:30 PM

London- The BBC unveiled its newest show for the Spring lineup with the coming premier of “Wallstrom and Zoabi: Root Causes“ a riveting drama starring Hanin Zoabi and Margot Wallstrom as two no-nonsense detectives who solve crimes while trying to find the perfect work-life balance in a male-dominated world. In addition to Swedish Foreign Minister Wallstrom and Member of Knesset Zoabi (Balad Party), the series also features George Galloway as their gruff but lovable boss at the Police Precinct, as well as MP Jeremy Corbyn as a comically inept Crown Prosecutor who inexplicably receives a big promotion in the season premier. (It is also rumored that he may develop into a possible love interest in future episodes)







In wacky mix-up, Qatar sends Hamas paycheck to Martin Indyk and Indyk’s paycheck to Hamas!

Miriam Alster:Flash90:File)

By Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 1/7/2016 at 5:30 PM

Washington: Hijinks ensued today when the Qatari Treasury accidentally sent Martin Indyk’s paycheck to Hamas leader Khaled Mashal and Mashal’s paycheck to Mr. Indyk. However, despite the potential compromise of funds, the entire situation managed to sort itself out after a few hours and several phone calls.






IDF: “No Comment” on Bamba Wrappers, COFIX cup found near body of Samir Kuntar



By Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 12/20/2015 at 9:30 PM

Tel Aviv, HaKirya:  The Israel Defense Force conducted a contentious press conference today, where its spokesperson refused to comment on the empty bag of Bamba snack food and crumpled COFIX Coffee cup found in bushes 50 meters from the site where Samir Kuntar and other Hezbollah-affiliated operatives were fixed up on a blind date with some virgins killed by missiles early this morning.  “The IDF has no comment on these so-called snack foods found at the scene of today’s events.”






New App Alerts You Each Time the Swedish Foreign Minister Says Something Stupid

Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 4.48.01 PMBy The Daily Freier Staff

Last Updated 12/6/2015 at 6:20 PM

“I don’t know how I lived without the Mar-Go” noted alert local, Ronit S. My phone has been beeping off the hook. I think she’s being interviewed at the Hague about the most the proportional way to deal with  somebody who is busy stabbing you with a butcher knife”.

The Mar-Go rocks” added Natan G., as his iPhone played a ringtone of “Dancing Queen” by ABBA. “Except….the whole thing leaves me in the bizarre situation of wishing she was as tactful and diplomatic as… Avigdor Liberman

If you haven’t installed Mar-Go, you’re just missing out!” enthused Alon N. “Wait…. She’s starting a press conference on the ‘root causes’ of the European refugee crisis. Sorry,”  he said settling down with a Goldstar and a bowl of hummus on a park bench on Rothschild Boulevard, “but I need to watch this.”

The Mar-Go, available on iTunes and also at participating IKEA stores, ran into a bit of a problem this evening when Minister Wallstrom sat down with the BBC to discuss the Separation Fence, and the app crashed.

We originally published this article on Times of Israel back in 2015!








Hanukkah Miracle as Abbas Begins 11th Year of His 4-Year Presidency

This Joke is Now 5 Years Old!
Abbas Airlines(We originally published on the Times of Israel in 2015, but miraculously Abbas is still the President 4 years later. Happy 16th Anniversary Abu Mazen!)

By Yuval Weiss

Last Updated 11/29/2015 at 1:20 PM

